I have been living and working in Amsterdam for several years. Currently, I am a software developer at
(NN) in The Hague - more specifically I develop and supervise the authentication process for several NN
I came to programming almost by chance, in the sense that in my study I concentrated first on music - listening to the
grandiose works of Mahler, Šostakóvič and Anton Bruckner from a very young age - then on philosophy, and finally on
mathematical logic, which it began to absorb me in my third year of university, while I was still studying in Milan.
It was right at the end of my journey at the
ILLC in Amsterdam that I decided to build the profession of software developer for myself,
a choice I am still very proud of today.
This site was born from the passion for all these topics together, as a means of sharing opinions about the world. This is also why I will write about the most disparate topics such as music, computer science at large and politics, in Italy and in the rest of the world.